Home Staging, a Must for Home Sellers (Infographic)

March 9, 2013

My Move  has created an infographic on why home staging is a MUST when selling your home. This infographic is a collection of all staging statistics and is based on studies conducted by the  Real Estate Staging Association (RESA) and the  National Association of Realtors in 2011.

These studies aim to demonstrate  the importance and benefits of home staging for every home sellers.  Other information was gathered from The New York Times, Parade Magazine and Realtor Magazine.Com. 

Overall, these trials demonstrated that home staging is a MUST to sell faster and for a better closing offer.


  • A 2011 Real Estate Staging Association  study shows that a staged home stays in the market for an average of 42 days while non staged homes stays in the market for almost 200 days.

An average savings of more than $2000 in mortgage payments from staging the home prior to its listing.

Home Staging InfographicHome Staging InfographicHome Staging Infographic


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